Farmers in Uganda addressing soil and water
Farmers' organization UNFFE opted for an integrated approach so that business operations through various measures became more resilient to climate shocks.
Farmer Organization UNFFE opted for an integrated approach so that business operations through various measures became more resilient to climate shocks.
With its local departments UNFFE drew up a plan of action to climate adaptation in a practical form. As in the Netherlands and Cambodia Peter set up a project in which research institute NARO together with farmers shared experiences and solutions. In Uganda measures have been taken to prevent erosion and mitigate drought damage. These seek an integrated approach. And this is what Land Water Food emphatically advocates. For example, various methods are used, such as choosing less drought-sensitive crops, soil improvement, green manure, water conservation and agro-ecology. Improving weather forecasting and improved access via radio or SMS was revealed as deep desire of farmers.
Local leaders encouraged other farmers to follow the example. The project has been a success and has been followed up by several other initiatives.